Location: Richmond VA
Job Title: Corporate BizDev Manager
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Submit Resume copy for Corporate BizDev Manager

We know you've worked hard to make your resume look good, so we won't ask you to copy-and-paste it into a big ol' text box. Instead, upload your MS Word or PDF resume to us so we can see it as you intended. We would, however, like your name and email address so we can easily file your info.

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"Just wanted to tell you what X-Team means to me. When I started X-Team, I was grossly overweight, could barely run or do a pushup, and had no confidence in myself that I would ever get in shape. This was a last chance for me. In the 5 months since I have joined X-Team, I lost 45 pounds, my clothes are way too baggy, I am able to do lots of pushups, situps, some pull-ups, and run faster. I feel stronger, quicker, leaner, tougher, and have a lot more confidence in myself. What is it about this  . . . more