Location: Richmond VA
Job Title: Corporate BizDev Manager
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Submit Resume copy for Corporate BizDev Manager

We know you've worked hard to make your resume look good, so we won't ask you to copy-and-paste it into a big ol' text box. Instead, upload your MS Word or PDF resume to us so we can see it as you intended. We would, however, like your name and email address so we can easily file your info.

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"The three to four hours per week that I spend at X-Team is all I need for the fitness to keep me active in outdoor sports. I find it the most efficient and holistic way to achieve overall fitness, particularly in the core mid-section. Working out with a group provides the motivation to push myself beyond what I would do alone. I also experience fewer aches, pains, and injuries in my joints and lower back as a result of stronger supporting muscles. I highly recommmend it for those that  . . . more